Saturday 2 March 2013

Fawlty Towers & Patagonian bird life

An amusing thing happened this morning. Having given the hotel a glowing report last night on Tripadvisor, the whole staff overslept and no one showed up to prepare breakfast. Admittedly there were only 3 guests, but when the front door was still locked 10 minutes before our taxi for the airport was due, things became a little chaotic. Thankfully a hugely embarrassed and apologetic Sebastian eventually showed up and everything was resolved in the nick of time.

We flew 90 minutes North to El Calafate in mainland Patagonia. This nestles on the south shore of Lake Argentino, one of Argentina's largest lakes. It is the jumping off point for tours In the surrounding area, particularly to the Glacier National Park. We had a free afternoon so our first priority was to go to the bus station and book our tickets to Puerto Natales, Chile in three days time. We were given front row seats which was excellent. Next we booked our tours for the next two days, then, feeling hungry due to the absence of any breakfast we found a spot for lunch. We remembered the advice of a friend to eat one street back from the main drag to avoid the high tourist prices, so duly found a respectable lookIng place. Lunch was disgusting! Our first bad meal in Argentina.

Laguna Nimez Nature Reserve

In the afternoon we walked to the Laguna Nimez Nature Reserve on the edge of town beside the lake. There is a high concentration of wildlife here including Snipe, Geese, Swans, Chilean Flamingo, and birds of prey. The reserve appears to be quite well managed with a range of habitats and a good trail that winds it's way around the reserve. Patience and a long lens made for some rewarding photography.

Magellanic Snipe

Coscoroba Swan

Upland Goose

Southern Lapwing

Male Cinereus Harrier

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