Monday 25 February 2013

What a Difference a Day Makes

Gone is the storm of yesterday.  We awake this morning to a fine bright day.

After breakfast we decide to cross the estuary by the ferry.  It's a small chain ferry, large enough for only 2 cars at a time and is powered by a dinghy and outboard tethered alongside.  On the far side the road is a dirt track.  There is a lagoon to our left, and the sea to the right.  A handful of fishermen's huts are clustered around the lagoon and not much else.  we bump along the unmade road for 10k and then turn off down a narrow track through the forest.  We emerge on to sand dunes where we leave the car and walk down to the beach. 

The dunes are covered with beautiful pink flowers.  We can see for miles along the beach in each direction.  There is not a soul in sight.  We stay here enjoying the sun for 2 hours and see  nobody.  Back at the estuary the kite surfers are skimming across the waves, but here in our own private paradise we make our own entertainment.

We return to our hotel intending to enjoy a swim in 

the pool, but instead we both fall asleep. It is late afternoon when we set out again heading back to the lighthouse at Jose Ignatio.  The wind has strengthened considerably and the sea is crashing on to the rocks.  The view is in complete contrast to yesterday.  What a difference a day makes.


We end the day watching the sun set as it dips behind the clouds and paints the sky with shafts of gold.

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